I have found that creating an intention to empower learning helps clarify questions without asking them. Answers are revealed along the way and often by others asking the same question.
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After the first few exercises, data poured into my awareness. A desire to “just know” what remote data feels like popped up and I wanted a deeper understanding. During the three following experiences, I learned to be more aware of how to “get out of the story” and deepen a connection to data delivery. Also, I learned to keep trusting the process. My subconscious was learning to poke me with symbolism and metaphor, and my left brain was deepening its listening skills.
It is important to remember that mapping experiences are done blind. The subject is revealed after the completion. The written information was added to reflect the experience while mapping. The deconstruction was added after the subject was revealed.
Man in Underpants Breaks Guinness World Record
This exercise was a real test. I felt so far off. I kept hearing Birdie in my ear saying: Deconstruct, research everything because that’s how you’ll learn how your subconscious tries to tell you things. And that’s what this subject clearly felt like! It did lead to another question. Had I not known the subject would I have ever made these connections?
Scan 1: The ideogram didn’t feel like a mountain, but something moving. I felt this was an event worth “seeing” scheduled on a specific date. It had something to do with energy between flowers. The sensory words confused me a bit. The subject was like watching entertainment on a stage.
After the reveal, I googled how the words might relate, and how cool, there is a Bee Dance in China! OMG every word is perfect and I do think it would have pointed me to this event and the significance of the bees. Although at this point I may have thought the mapping experience was the Bee Dance.
Scan 2: The ideogram felt like it was a being. What I drew was a BIG HEAD! And squiggly things were buzzing or crawling around and behind it. I sensed not being able to see. The experience felt like it could generate money or value somehow. The cone image was confusing, but there was so much energy. Then, I thought that the subject was related to culture.
Scan 3. Again, the ideogram felt like a being, but a different perspective. The drawing was so funny! A girly being with wings and a multi-colored orange and purple frilly-like dress. There was an award waiting. So, some achievement or recognition could be important.
Of course my subconscious was telling me “queen bees” were part of the experience. After decoding and learning more about the Bee Dances I saw a video in China of the yearly event, and ALL the sensory words were perfect! So funny.
Now for the first experience of pulling from our insights and putting them together. This first mapping experience left me a little confused because it seemed so vague. I needed to remember it was our first experience taking our three scans and pulling insight from them and recording what came to mind.
We were all a little tired since this was the end of our first day of learning. The image revealed an energetic event on a stage with something with wings flying. It might have required a ticket or happened maybe once a year. Many spectators were around, and flowers were everywhere, representing more energy. Plus, it was an achievement and a celebration. I remembered someone was thirsty.
In deconstructing, I understood that had I mapped deeper; I may have put the symbolism of the flower and the winged critter together due to the girly bee scan. Now that I’ve pondered this one a bit more, I’m learning more about how my subconscious tries to get my attention. So exciting.
New Jersey Drones
What a loaded experience! The intention of this mapping exercise isn’t just about the image, it’s a vast topic. This is what is termed an “esoteric” topic so validating the viewing experience is quite different. I can’t just google what I receive and confirm the concepts and data for accuracy.
I already can sense the more accumulated mapping experience the more the feeling for collecting this type of data will have a distinguishable quality.
This experience felt like a huge download rushing into my awareness, trying to get my attention and delivering vast and specific content simultaneously. I wondered if I was “gathering” from multiple sources versus a single focused topic.
Once I saw the experience photo, the directions included “their,” although the photo was a singular image so what I sensed and experienced was perfect.
Scan 1: The first scan’s ideogram felt like something moving and an object. (I am now sensing how ideograms can combine two ideas.) The sensory words felt so expansive. The quick sketch mirrored the ideogram. Attention was drawn to the underside and the lines felt like it was radiating in some way.
Scan 2: The ideogram felt like it was relating to a land surface. The first sensory words also lead with that idea. Plus, communication and its quality felt important and kind. The sketch showed an odd looking being with big eyes, and that it hears. On the surface of the land was a device recording signals.
Scan 3: The ideogram felt like something more than a mountain. Like something going up and then down. The sketch was odd, but it showed whatever was up also was below. It crossed some type of surface and when it did there were other subjects below the surface. The sensory words felt like a descriptive perspective in this scan.
Map 1:
Bigger Reveals on Large Mapping (just highlights)
I soon realized why using the largest piece of paper could help this process. I carried over the third scan’s sketch and embellished the sense that what was above was also below. Blue, like water, was in the middle. The triangle shape seemed to reveal a power source. I took this further in the break-out map.
A triangle of blue, perhaps water, shared a relationship with a communication symbol and sensory words like its time-frequency, rhythm, sound, and healing. It’s time; don’t wait.
A messaging device, like an SOS, has a relationship to an interpreter device (typewriter-like). Humans look at messages and translate them with symbols.
Worried eyes look at the message, fearing how it could affect the future. They pass the message around. People look and change the message due to fear. A book of secrets feels like a symbol of how communication is analyzed and delivered.
Beings watch, thinking, “Oh no, misunderstanding … it’s time.” We care about the past and want to help. We are alike, like a guide. We were here in the beginning. Like the Tree of Life, we know what is essential to life and learning.
The tree of life now connects to a microcosm, and a person, maybe a scientist, is looking through a microscope at what was recently found in the water. It was natural, like ancient bones of a being or minerals in bones, and what’s discovered is that it has memory. So, below the surface, there is something ancient and buried. An intention for analysis is to provide an opportunity to learn and turn into frequencies, and particles have memory.
The message is to evoke memories from ancient times. Old knowledge is not lost; it is worthwhile for the future.
People want to forget, but everything connects to the beginning and goes through a dimensional doorway. We are back to the beginning and where we came from. Intention. What’s missing? Our choices will affect the future. There is also a sketching of a wavy line. The message feels to look at how water can hold its shape when it is set into a vibrational pattern. There’s some other interesting small sketches that I can explore at a later date.
I continue asking for what’s important and two additional smaller maps are the result.
Breakout 1: Most Important: The beings care; they’re like us, like a guide; they are the past and the future, and they want to ensure we nurture what we have. Ideal outcome: NOW … they drew a timeline with the past on one end, the future on the other, and a line pointing to now. Goal: Reveal a misunderstanding, redirect, accept, and heal. To translate to correct. They know about energy related to the continuous vacillation of water and how it can hold its shape, how to ensure we have food, help preserve seed banks, work like or with our scientists, and aid in agriculture. They are primarily non-visible and want to help alter our current trajectory.
The view the assumptions “WE” are making as a society: We won’t get it in time, We are too dense to see it, We don’t like what we have to do, We’ll deny it, We’ll fear it … message: We have to let these perceptions go and shift into new possibilities.
Breakout 2: More info on the Doorway/an oval shape with the dangly marks: Dimensional Doorway is where “it all started” and connects to infinity. The oval empty shape is “Intention,” and what is extending below it is “US.” We connect to everything and are here because we choose to be. I ask if there are any assumptions I am making. Answer: Not really, just this is the beginning of the story. What’s important is that the intention aligns with goodness. Still, misunderstanding has occurred, and it’s time to correct the translation or what was purposeful misguidance to keep humanity from knowing its full potential.
Deconstruction: After seeing what I was mapping I was a bit stunned. I know I could have been viewing an acorn! This experience was so expansive and took on a life of its own. So very fascinating. I have to share that UFO’s, ETS, and UAPs were not on my conscious radar until the last 4 months. I’ve felt uneasy and have had a sense of urgency watching the direction humanity is choosing to take on the world stage. We are so out of balance with nature and our concern for our fellow human. I was left wondering about what tuned into in this experience and about my own projection. But, then it was like a huge download and when asked if I was making assumptions the answer was keep going. I know Birdie will help us perfect our skills as we learn through experience, so trust the process. We get what we get.
GoBeckli Tempe
Scan 1: The ideogram was so quick and felt a bit insignificant but probing lead to some interesting sensory words. Light, not heavy, arch, spirit, up, disappears, etc. the quick sketch felt like something that was up, and then something like a structure appeared with the message to look behind it.
Scan 2: This ideogram felt like it was a big subject. Probing lead to some interesting action type of words. The one that stuck with me was the hand, and it was connected to an object that perhaps moved.
Scan 3: The third ideogram left me with a feeling that something comes and goes. I am getting that my subconscious will sometimes use changes in time with two lines that move in different directions that are joined. Yet this could also be a mountain? The sensory words also felt like a location and a feeling of being content.
The sketch in the middle was bubble-like, with stripes that felt like a structure, perhaps hiding something below the surface.
Hands: Served multiple purposes. Used to find things, were clasped together in a peaceful gesture. Hands are used to both hold and find things. The sketch showed they gathered little round things, some like magic beans. I noticed some of these little round objects were also hidden in the wavy lines in the sketch at the top right of the map. The seeds seem to nurture, like food, and have value. The wavy lines could have been something growing, like a field of vegetation, but energy was also present.
The “experience” felt magical and spiritual, religious maybe. A Mountain and temple on a hill connected to a winding river/route stretching down a slope into a valley: connected, grow, substance where sensory words relating to this location.
Were nearby watchers hidden in the wavy “plants ” and in the clouds? There was a subtle hum, but it didn’t seem the Temple occupants saw the watchers.
The building on the left feels like merchants making textiles, like rugs. They know of whatever is hidden under the center bubble.
The temple location at the top of the hill is related to the symbol in the little blue square etched into the hill. The culture is Asian-like. The sketch of what could be an ET also shares a connection to earth (the color gray, it comes back sometimes, and moves, takes off, like a spinning top?).
I drew a little person who gathers the little round things with his hands. He’s from the temple and relates to the word short. There is also a feeling of nourishment and a full belly—a sense of happy people.
Deconstruction: This was a blast to research and because I could google this Neolithic site I was able to find visual evidence that I was actually picking up very related information!
Deconstruction: The domesticated cereal reference is a shocker! The map shows the layout of the territory and how the “cereal” gathering follows the lay of the land, like the winding line sketch on the map that I sensed was a waterway with a road or trail alongside.
This civilization was one of the first “known” cultures to grow a grain as a food source! They would seem like “magic beans” and a great way for my subconscious to relay the importance. And the metaphor of the magic beans was perfect
Then, I learned that Gobeckli Tepe was also a religious temple located on a hill with the nickname of this area as a Pot Belly! The area is currently covered with a structure where they excavate the artifacts and treasures beneath it. One photo even appears to look like yellow stripes, like the sketch.
Another picture I found is of an artifact of a statue with hands drawn as I sketched them.
Next, I learned that this area is located in Neolithic Asia, where I placed it on the globe at the top of the map. The area is now Turkey, which relates to the structure sketch on the top left, which felt like it belonged to rug merchants. When asked about the relationship, the clarification was that this was a more current time that honors ancient traditions and knew about the temple on the hill.
The Tebeckli Tepe culture also worshipped the “Dog Star,” sorta like the blue symbol I sketched on the map inferring they followed some type of symbol.
The phrases that stood out were: Here today, gone tomorrow, comes back sometimes, hidden, like a magic bean. The other photos I saw online also resemble the mapping experience!
It was so powerful to compare these varied mapping exercises. One was a factual event, the next had esoteric elements, and the last was an event that would continually evolve and include esoteric elements. These were powerful opportunities to sense distinctions in what it feels like viewing different types of subjects.
To continue to the next page in this series, click > The Tic Tac UAPs & The Navy’s Observation