The following TransDimensional Mapping experience felt like the content of a movie! 🍿 From the first sensory word that came to mind: Elevate! My left brain’s contextual meaning for this verb is to “Evolve.”
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Tic Tac UAPs: Their Intention, Origin, & What US Navy Knows
It is important to remember that mapping experiences are done blind. The subject is revealed after the completion. The written information was added to reflect the experience while mapping. The deconstruction was added after the subject was revealed.
Scan 1: The ideogram suggested that this experience had two parts. The sensory words suggest a story about the topic, along with a lot of intention and movement. The big eye is an interesting metaphor—I’m not sure what. Sketches reveal a boat on the water, a story, and another image of an object, maybe a whale connected to energy or water.
Scan 2: The ideogram felt like a path, while the sensory words suggested movement. Something was looking, curious, and friendly. The quick sketch looked like the earth with a navigation plotted out. Something went off the globe with a squiggly shape in the SW area.
Scan 3: I’ve seen this type of ideogram now, and I’m beginning to recognize it as a big topic with beings involved. The sensory words suggested a group of beings that were spectators by the little loop on the left of the ideogram. The sketches felt like two types of beings: one looked like people, and the other looked like it moved.
Map 1: I placed items from the three scans in intuitive positions on the first map. The earth seemed to be the focal point where events were taking place. I sketched the book in the upper right corner, placed the boat/ship on the planet, and the whale shaped object below next to the a group of objects/subjects. Another group of beings I placed under the sensory words.
Drawing the relationship lines and asking how items connected was so helpful and lead to more insights. Attention was first drawn to the boat; a group of people were curious about what they were seeing and what they heard.
What seemed like a whale surfaced with the thought, “We know everything!” This is entertaining, and we hide stuff. We know everything about what’s going on under the water and above it, too.
I asked this subject/object: “What are those things underneath you?” Answer: They are bell-like and metallic, and one is sad, and it appeared like a sunken wreck. They have a relationship to points drawn on the route across the globe, and this is where these objects are looking. I am unsure about if this is the route of the vessel on the water, or the objects. I do notice the end of the route on the southeast side appears to be arid, or warm.
I isolate the ship/boat and pop out into a new frame to focus on gathering more information. The intuitive message I get is there is some form of signaling or tracking (the numbers indicate ranges), and it records or notices data connected to the vessel. This signal also connects to the sketch of the “big eye in the sky.”
Now, I decide to explore the book. The image expands. I ask the question: What should I know?: Turn the page, change the story? It seems the book has a list of stories. Some are accurate, some are not, and some were never told, but they are still in the book. The book also has many blank pages. I want to know why and where the information on the blank pages is, or is the story on these pages yet to be written?
The book has a relationship with the people who are looking at the ship/or connected to the people on the ship because they are like them.
So, the book is documenting and telling a story. It also has stories about the object/subjects that is whale like.
This book also has a story about the submarine (is it Russian since it’s red or Chinese?) They attach a device to actual whales for a purpose. It’s like a tracker. The submarine is hidden, and a man connected to it is stern, determined, serious, and proud.
Now I notice, someone appears childlike, they are not related to the ship, but looking at the object that is whale like. There’s a connection. Then I draw a relationship line from the big eyes at the top of the page and the answer I receive is that the child is innocent, and another message to be innocent like a child. So maybe a childlike state is important.
I now get a message: “Don’t know what we don’t know that we do know.”
The sky is also busy next to the big eyes at the top of the map! And everyone is also watching the big eye.
The first sketched image shows an expansion of the boat: Now I realize it is a military ship! One person on the boat stands out as significant: “YES, we’re here!” They want to look around and drop anchor. I expand and notice: Looking tells a story, but it does not tell the whole story.
Underneath the military ship is a red submarine. It’s just there; the only importance with this sub is those on it are watching everything, too.
Now, my attention goes to a whale. He sees everything and hides stuff! He has friends and makes friends. He knows the beings! They know him! They communicate! They share knowledge of their different worlds. They are similar! Maybe related. If people could communicate with whales, we could better translate the frequency and messages of these beings.
What’s important? Language! Translation!
This thought leads to a building with flags shaped like a pyramid. But many countries (flags) and people (circles) are represented here. Important: Get them together to get on the same page, to realize they have the exact same needs, should share knowledge and translate what’s important by telling everyone’s story. Reveal and decipher the mysteries.
As I ask to clarify any assumptions the message I receive reveals what’s important about the whales. They have a language that communicates beyond what humans can hear and have yet to understand. The ETs are real.
Asking again, what’s important?
This leads to a little box, with voice: “Can’t find me!” (While it’s smiling) This message felt like an invitation to connect but still testing me. Then the message quickly moves to the other side of the paper, and another box appears with a label: “Mystery stuff.”
Okay, “Why is this secret?” Answer: “Not time.”
“Why?” Answer: “You’ll know when you know, what you don’t know, that you know.”
The mystery stuff appears to be artifacts, or items that are meant to stay hidden. Whatever is in the boxes is mysterious and invokes questions about how it’s useful. Whatever it is the identity of the contents are concealed.
Me: “What’s essential, then? Answer: “It isn’t lost!”
Me: “What color are you?” Answer: “Gold”
Received more insight: We can communicate with whales?
Answer: “Not so much yet, but it’s a key to understanding.”
Question: “Are you friendly?”
Answer: “I would like to be.”
Me: “Are you important to what I want to understand at this time?”
Answer: “We know about big eyes”
I asked if we could stay in touch, and there was a long silence …. So I said, “Okay, be well!” and moved on.
Then I asked a clarifying question to help me understand the experience I was mapping: “Whose navigating and on the move?” The answer: “Everyone!”
Now I Asked: “Who are we?”
Answer: “A spiral 🌀, and we’re in the moment, it’s essential for all to be peaceful.”
I asked if we would have a big destructive boom? Answer back, “Don’t know.”
I asked for any last message relating to the experience and it was that communication is key to everything. Share the stories and translations with others. Figure out how to finish filling in what you feel is missing. Expand your awareness like if you were learning the language of the whales.
Then I asked a probing question to who or what was dialoging with me: “If communication is key, will you talk to me again?” And the answer was yes.
I also noticed an image of the earth, and a planet nearby. There was a being on top of the planet and it had three moons. At first I thought it was two, but a third smaller one felt relevant.
Summary after reflecting on the two maps:
Everyone is looking, everyone is moving about, ETs are here, and they may be similar to the whale species. Whales are helping them and know everything. Learn more about frequency of the whale language; people need to come together, work together, and be peaceful. Communication is the key. And the riddle: “You’ll know when you know what you don’t know that you know” is like a metaphor for our evolution!
Let go of the stories, and deleting segments of the stories,. Remember we are all stardust! Be peaceful and the boom (nuclear war) isn’t inevitable. Expand your awareness of language, and then use your words. Big Eye is watching. Be like an innocent child.
Here’s a summary of the mapping experience from my left brain’s analysis of this intuitive process after the mapping experience was revealed.
Most of the occupants on the naval ship are aware of what’s going on, but they are kept in the dark about the experience. However, someone on board the vessel is significant to this story. Some who inform the navy crew members also keep information secret, which may be similar to those who also move stuff in boxes while keeping that activity secret. The items in boxes feel like artifacts, something old, and they try to make what is in the boxes useful. Whatever “we” may know, we are close to realizing the value.
Also, the messenger relaying insight feels like a being who wants us to know they are similar to whales. Like whales, seeing and knowing them could help us understand them if we understood whales better. I felt like a being was sizing me up to determine if it wanted to communicate, and eventually, it did because it perceived my intention was good. They felt able to convey a message that peace was necessary. That all leaders needed to come to a consensus that peace was essential. Also, we are all “stardust” and the same. It felt like we as humans have choices ahead and that nuclear war is still possible and concerning. A spiral appears at the end of the mapping experience. It seems to be a symbol as a reminder of how to connect to everything and that we are all connected.
Expanding a bit more on the military’s knowledge. Some faction of the Navy knows a lot about what is going on with UAPS. These holders of intelligence are trying to determine how they can use what they observe and find. The reference to the mystery boxes is fascinating since whistleblowers have revealed that a special forces government contract group was hired to move “mystery boxes containing NHI objects and material” to various locations.
Questions Arise
This was such an expansive experience. I look forward to learning more from Birdie on the “how-to” of deconstructing and refining the mapping experience and information sorting. Because this was an “esoteric” topic, some information could be accounted for, and much is speculative.
Another point is that this was the first map of the day, and my energy levels were focused and felt good. I am also noticing that I am having an experience of observing in real time how my brain learns to transfer information to my waking (left brain) from my inner (right brain, etc.) awareness. I am learning how I learn.
To continue to the next page in this series, click > Roswell Incident, July 1947