The ultimate goal of education should be to develop a fully integrated mind, in both its left and right cerebral hemispheres. – Iain Mcgilchrist
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Roswell Incident in New Mexico, July 1947
The subject is blind, and is revealed after the completion of the mapping exercise. The written information is added to reflect my experience while mapping. The deconstruction comments are added after the subject was revealed.
Three Scans
Scan 1: The ideogram feels like something moving horizontally and then dropping downward. The sensory words relate to a noisy spot behind a fence that is populated with beings, so this feels like a busy event. This area seems like people are there, and they have an overhead cover. It seemed noisy. Something is falling from the sky, and the wavy line below suggests that the ground area may be wet or that water is there.
Scan 2: The ideogram suggests something like a bubble shape, and when probing, I get sensory words that lead to a sketch, like a scenic area that is cloudy and maybe loud for some reason. The scan suggests that something is both outside and inside. The drawing is peculiar. It looks a little like a guy with earphones and a wand, and I am not sure what is behind him yet. He reminds me of a guy with a metal detector.
Scan 3: The ideogram feels like terrain with a slope. A helicopter is dealing with trade winds. Something else is up in the sky. People seem like they are coming down the slope. They almost feel like they are skiing or even parachuting.
Map 1: Moving from the scans to mapping, I sketched people behind a fence and under a structure at the top. Were they spectators waiting for something? I sketched quick images of mountains or hills in the background. A mark suggested movement like whoosh above; maybe the weather was windy or stormy, like snow. I placed a helicopter in the sky. Not far from it metallic shapes and some other little shapes.
Under the platform were more people. One person had one red and blue and was waving a stick-like object (like a skier with poles or maybe these were flares? Below to the right was a box with a shovel or scoop and in this container there was some type of material. This scene at the top almost felt like public place where people hung out as spectators. I sketched a woman who seemed to be one of the observers behind the fence underneath the covered area.
The woman is recognized because of her accomplishments or her professional status.
This acknowledgment may make her qualified or why she was invited to this location. She is smart and an “experiencer”. She appears pleasant. (Words to analyze a little more: look up, noise, listen, and from inside to outside, like a subway.) I asked what was important, and this took me inside a tunnel-like area that I sensed was in an earthly location like a hill, or perhaps it was underground.
Something important is going on inside this location. It also looks like a scoop and particles of matter, or dirt, or something is in the corner. When I asked if I am making any assumptions the answer was to keep going. Time for adding another map.
Map 2
The hill with the tunnel-like entrance was what I chose to consider further at first. I needed to learn more about the woman and follow her around. I asked what I should know about her. Answer: She is fit and I quickly sketched a big building. She was connected to it. The large structure had different sections or pillars) Information is recorded in this location. Relationship is that it’s a place where people related to her also go, I suspect the purpose they go here is associated with this experience. They are recording knowledge here, and something is beaming out one section. It’s almost like a signal.
She understands about orbs (I think orbs are also a symbol for me for types of NHI). She also has been in the underground area. There are hieroglyphs, energy, and spirals in here. There’s a 4 legged animal, too. There’s a container in the corner with multiple objects labeled: finds. There’s a being in this location watching. Funny, it reminds me of a Bigfoot with an Orb on its head. (I think of Bigfoot as a dimensional being.) He/She seems to be watching and related to this underground space. So, where there have been Bigfoot stories it may give hints of this location.
Something is up in the sky: multiple silver objects. They are related to whatever is in the boxes in the corner. I get the feeling that a nonverbal being “comes with good intentions.” It feels like they are from “out of time.”
There’s also an area with trees a distance away. It has caves in this location. The Bigfoot being knows about this location, too. Someone is hiding behind a rock and watching. I ask the little being near the in this treed area if he has a voice and who he is. The being tells me he is watching and comes and goes. I ask if there is a message he’d like to share, and the answer I get is: “Back in time, sharing to help others is important.” I sense he is wanting to get me to where I want to go. I asked if I should talk to anyone in the silver disks, and the answer was maybe. In the middle little spirals with a shape seems to be sorta invisible in a cloud. Time for the next map.
Map 3
Map 3: I remembered the helicopter in the first scan and wanted to probe it further. In doing so, it revealed a relationship with a man who, probing, revealed has seen a lot! He knows about underground spaces and what is in them. He wears a hat similar to those others in his group wear. He says, “This isn’t intentional; it’s an accident.”
The female in the scene knows the man. She is athletic, loves nature, reads, learns, talks and shares. She’s been many places. The underground area has an alarm and senses when there’s movement near the entrance. It’s filled with data, like rows of towers. There’s some type of security shield here. There’s a circular object with protection over it.
Someone says, We Need Honest Abe. And a structure appears above him. Then an arrow goes to the words, “the subconscious is aware of everything.”
I ask for some clarity on what is essential; the message is that all dots connect. There is a way bigger picture, and yes, there are many dots (subjects? events?). This event is just a tiny portion of what is to come. Sound and energy are key. Orbs(nhi?) can see everything. We are sad; we have lost pieces in drawers, files, and containers. I tell whoever is dialoguing with me that I am sorry, too, if they are sad. They share something about “beaming a location.” Unclear what they mean then I remember the beam coming out of the sketch of the big building in the previous map.
I still have a little time left, so let’s dig deeper! What’s fun about mapping is you can always probe anything that shows up on your map further. There is always more. So time for the 4th map.
Map 4
Map 4: I probe for another list of sensory words: time, join, peaceful, future, continuum, bogey, revisit are the words. Then I sensed a message: “A spiral is like a drop box; imagine a drop box, and invent a way through thoughts. Make spirals to communicate. They form a collective that facilitates communication. Like a whale, they transmit frequency as they communicate. We can invent a way to communicate through thought.
I practiced body scans on the people: The woman had a recent accident, and her leg was once in a cast, but when she was summoned to this “experience” it was healed. The main man with the hat had cold feet. He had a scar and an elbow ache. He was muscular and wore eye protection. His hat also helped keep his head warm when he was cold.
Message: I felt the beings were sad because “pieces of them were hidden.” They wanted to be friendly and communicate. They are working on translation using frequency and something to do this with spiral shapes. The large coil shape moves in circular and horizontal patterns and seems to oscillate. Also, I received a feeling like a thank you. I felt like it was for having an emotion related to understanding. They also want to point ways to get on the same “frequency” and communicate.
Deconstruction After the Reveal
In the very last map one of my sensory words I had no idea its definition and I thought I had misspelled it. I googled it and:
In military terms, a “bogey” refers to an unidentified aircraft or radar target
It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. I learned that the beings responsible for the debris field were small and wanted to be friendly. They also felt very timeless and ancient and were quite open to communicating. They were sad because they crashed and lost “pieces of them.” I also learned about what happened to the debris. It was taken to a couple of different areas. Some of the debris had hieroglyphics on it and ended up in one location. Other materials of were stored in underground facilities at various locations. I think it depended on what the items were. Some went one way, and other materials went another.
It appears there are secret underground areas like caves where items were taken and protected. Different sets of people were examining the debris at various times. At first, a woman was called in because of her skills. (Maybe to do an autopsy.) The large building in Map 2 looks like the Ballard Mortuary in Roswell. It could be a government building, too, because information is recorded there. Because a beam came out of that building, I suspect something related to the crash was also there.
Later, more official people, likely the military, were called in. I had a feeling the mapping experience was also trying to tell me there was more than one location involved in the debris field, like another crash. The first maps felt rather stormy and at a higher elevation where it could snow. It might also be a location where an incident occurred.
Researching the Roswell UFO Crash-site
I had to ask AI about underground military storage areas in New Mexico in 1947, here’s the answer: While no confirmed underground transport tunnels between key military sites have been declassified, it is likely that underground storage and bunkers were used in 1947 for nuclear materials, missile tech, and possibly the Roswell debris. High-security rail networks, concealed truck convoys, and underground storage sites would have been the most practical means of moving classified materials at the time.
I also found an old PDF file that shared insight on individuals who were around at the time. Including there was debris found with hieroglyphs. I still need to do a little more research on the area where the sheltered people might have been.
This pdf is quite interesting: Roswell UFO Literature
It’s also interesting that Mac Brazel lived near Corona, which is also close to caves suspected of being used by the military. Some reports point to more than one location where they found debris. One report was an actual UFO saucer embedded in a hillside. Also, the weather was horrible at the time. So, the first maps confirmed the timing. Now, I am also wondering bout the very first scan. Was the quick sketch of the man wearing a protective suit and listening through a metal or radioactive detector device? Glenn Davis was the name of a mortician who supposedly showed up on the site, and he worked for the Ballard Mortuary in Rosewell. He spoke to a nurse who most likely did the autopsies. So much more to learn!
When I have time I will add a recording of my mapping experience.