“No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist.” – Salvador Dalí
The previous article provided a Deeper Understanding of Seven Variations of One Dominant Design. In this tutorial we explain and illustrate examples of all eight of the Two Dominant Compositional Devices.
Description of Two Dominant Device in Design
The eight Two Dominate compositions share similarity with the One Dominate. Instead of one element as the focal point in the visual plane there are two and neither touches the edges of the composition’s border.
The two elements are in two contained spaces and complement each other in size and weight. Neither has more visual dominance over the other. They work together to make a visual statement.
There is one exception which is described in the next section. The Two Dominant One Dominant variation shares the same design rules, with the exception that one element contains less weight.
The placement for all eight variations are usually in the center of the canvas with the two dominant elements adjacent to each other relating as one focal point.
Two Dominant One Dominate Variation
Confusion often arises between the One Dominant-Two Dominant Device compared to the Two Dominant-One Dominant Device.
Here are two visual examples that clarify the difference.
The size variation between the two elements in the first image illustrates how the Two Dominant One Dominant device is the exception when referring to these eight variations.
Two Dominant Pattern
In the following six variations the same rules apply to the Two Dominant devices as the One Dominant.
The secondary design feature is rendered into the primary device, which for this tutorial lesson is the Two Dominant compositional device.
Two Dominant Negative Positive
Negative-Positive design elements often contain colors or textures that complement each other with the negative space being defined by a light hue and the positive space a dark contrasting or even monochromatic tone.
This rendering description is distinguished by contrasting planes working together to define the space.
Two Dominant Structure
Notice how each circle contains an illustration of two different scenes from a city scape that are incorporated into the Two Dominant Structure composition.
With both One Dominant and Two Dominant devices other elements could be incorporated into the artwork, but they would remain supportive. Examples might be words, nature stamps, lines, or a subtle pattern.
Last Three Two Dominant Devices: Movement, Frame, & Perspective
Art Play
Before moving on to the next post in this series take some time and explore printed media.
Locate as many Two Dominant variations in your creative time and add them to your reference journal.
The examples you collect provide opportunity to expand your artistic skills by rendering variations. Refer back to what you learned in the Basic Graphic Design Element Series anytime!
Downloadable Design Guide
Feel free to click to download the provided eight, Two Dominant Variations sheet as reference.
In our next tutorial we’ll cover variations for the next set of eight devices and how pattern is expressed in each.
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