“Know that in your deeper mind are Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Power.” ― Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Journaling TransDimensional Mapping Experiences
Taking Birdie Jaworski’s online TransDimensional Mapping (TDM) class was stepping into a whole new way of exploring interesting subjects allowing your deeper mind to take the reins.
The virtual format brought together people from all over the world, creating a unique space to explore a groundbreaking method for seeking insight on any topic.
Birdie’s clear and engaging teaching style made it easy to jump into mapping. She enthusiastically encouraged and guided us step-by-step in learning how to create a bridge between our subconscious and our waking minds to access wisdom on any topic.
The class started with the first steps and simple scans that led to more in-depth mapping. As we practiced, each new “experience” (the subject of each active map endeavor) began to take a life of its own.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
At the end of the five-day (40-hour) course, it became clear that our subconscious or inner mind has access to everything, everywhere, all at once! I was so excited watching the results unfold and even more so when I began “deconstructing” the story and insights that unfolded.
Deconstructing involves reviewing each sensory word, doodle, and concept and their relationship while creating a story about a topic, event, person, place or thing.
Developing a Language with Your Subconscious
As in any intuitive process, a trick is to keep the left brain that wants to take over the story busy. This way, the “experiencer” can connect metaphors, symbolism, concepts, and actual related data floating up to an awareness describing ideas and patterns we hadn’t noticed before.
Also, the experiencer is blind when they are mapping. They don’t know the subject. They “just go” and follow the flow of information they receive. One of Birdie’s mottos is, “You get what you get!” Everything you receive is your inner mind trying to communicate. The more you map, the more precise the language between your inner and outer mind develops.
It stood out how practical and accessible the process is for anyone. I feel it really is a practical spiritual process, and applying the TDM experience can make our lives and the world more in tune and aware of humanity’s needs.
I didn’t just learn a technique—I experienced a way to expand my inner knowledge and use its wisdom to live an even more enriched life.
I actually felt like a kid getting to navigate through a candy store filled with knowledge while tasting all the flavors of a whole new world of treats!
Journaling My Mapping Experiences
It is important to remember that all the following mapping experience have been done blind. The subject was revealed after the completion. The written information was added to reflect the experience while mapping. The deconstruction was added after the subject was revealed.
The following links provide a glimpse and highlights into my personal maps during the course. Previously, I had just a few self guided practice sessions in CRV, a type of remote viewing the military does. And birdie recently published a couple videos of her mapping various subjects.
- Getting Started in the TDM Experience
- Mapping Experience: Bees, Drones, and a Neolithic Site
- The Tic Tac UAPs & The Navy’s Observation
- Roswell Incident
- Consciousness of Planet Earth
- Humanity 100 Years in the Future
- Purpose of the Explorer
Learning is like Developing a Super Power
I think of TransDimensional Mapping as a Practical Spirituality that can also boost creativity. I believe artists, makers, creators, and introverts can expand their abilities by learning TDM. Those with greater right-brain awareness may notice more fascinating results in the beginning.
When I create any physical medium, I use spatial awareness and intuition, and one might even consider telepathy with various mediums. Experiencing mapping can only enhance my creative skills, and the bonus is that I’ll be more aware of the world around me.
After my experience learning the basics from Birdie, I sincerely believe TDM is a natural skill we all can develop. The TDM experience is like “relearning,” a way our mind was made to work when awake to its potential.
As the experiencer is engaged, they can also learn more about how their mind learns!
TDM can be used to discover more about everything, everywhere, all at once! I bet some time in the future Birdie’s method will be taught in schools where children learn critical thinking, and well being.
Check out Birdie Jaworski’s personal website and her professional website, TransDimensional Mapping.